Montag, 30. April 2012


i tried to draw the statue of coaticlue as i remember it from a picture... turned out, that i remembered quite badly, but i still like the drawing somehow...


Samstag, 21. April 2012

Visions du futur

Hey everyone,
here I am in Paris for the release of the magazine KSAT - already the 5th issue. If you are here as well - come and join us for exhibition, performances, concerts and a drink in Café A / La Chapelle close to Gare de l'Est.

April 21st
release party / exhibition / performances
6 pm - 2 am

April 22nd
3 pm - 10 pm

Café A / La Chapelle 
148 rue du faubourg
St Martin
75010 Paris
Métro Gare de l'Est

If you want to know more about the project initiated by Yasmine Tashk follow the link

Freitag, 6. April 2012

Das Mädchen ohne Hände

just recently, my graphic novel 'das mädchen ohne hände' got published in mairisch publishing house...
check out their website for further information - and check out their programme too, it's worth it: )


Thanks to everyone who helped me with this project!